Attachment Informed Psychotherapy

Your early experiences in relationship create a blueprint for your relationships in the present.

Attachment informed psychotherapy focuses on repairing your childhood developmental process. The first few years of your life are critical to the development of a confident and embodied sense of self. 

An important part of my approach to counseling is supporting you to the reclaim the parts of yourself that have been denied expression. At a young age, we unconsciously learn that certain parts of us are acceptable and others are not. Through information from our caregivers, siblings, and community we learn which parts of ourselves will get us the attention and love we need in order to belong and survive. Since our brains are wired to survive at all costs, when we get negative or positive feedback (overtly or covertly) as a child for our self expression, we will diminish or amplify those parts of ourselves so we can belong in our family system.

This process of suppressing and amplifying parts of self to belong as a child deeply impacts the way we relate to ourselves, to others and to God. It can cause painful cycles of self-protection, inauthenticity and disconnection. Symptoms like addiction, rage, depression, anxiety, disordered eating, conflict in relationships and people pleasing are all information that there are important parts of yourself that need attention. 

The therapeutic relationship serves as a model for being with self, teaching you how to lovingly attend to and care for the parts of yourself that you may have learned are not welcome in relationships. I gently guide clients towards their compassionate witness, the part of self that can hold all other parts with care and acceptance. It’s possible to truly develop a loving relationship with yourself and experience a deep sense of capability, authenticity and connection in your life.